Convent of the Entry of the Most Holy Virgin into the Temple
City of Ivanovo, Russia

St. Basil of Kineshma,
a New Confessor

Troparion, in the Fifth Tone:

O new confessor of the Church of Russia,
imitator of apostolic labors,
ardent preacher of the right faith,
inspired explainer of the Scriptures,
having endured banishments, prisons and afflictions from the godless,
O Basil our father, thou royal priesthood,
and now standing before the Holy Trinity,
pray for thy fatherland and the people
  who worthily honor thy holy memory.

Kontakion, in the Third Tone:

We extol thy manliness, O Basil, thou hierarch of Christ,
and we exalt the purity of thy faith,
and we marvel at the gift of thy words,
for thou didst receive from the heavens the divine grace
  to guide and defend the flock of Christ.

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